About Us

Bukalasa Agricultural College Background

Bukalasa Agricultural College is situated 50 km north of Kampala; it was established by the then Colonial Government in 1920 as a cotton breeding centre. It has since then metamorphosed into an agricultural training institution with a strong reputation of training front line agricultural extension workers as well as a home to many household names of academicians, administrators, researchers, and impeccable leaders..

Recently international students are getting attracted to the college to pursue various academic programmes, thus widening the scope of the institution in coverage. The college wishes to ensure that the original mandate is not lost, and at the same time rise to the challenges of satisfying needs of the expanding clientele. This situation is covered in the Vision, Mission, Core Values and Objectives covered below.

The Vision

"A leading institution in skilling Agricultural Professionals, Practitioners and Agro-Entrepreneurs."

The Mission

"To train and skill using innovative approaches for Sustainable Agricultural Transformation"

The Goal

"To produce competent agricultural and agro-industrial practioners and farming community that is engaged in promotion of farming as a profitable business and honorable profession"

The Motto

"Agriculture for Health and Wealth"

The Core Values

"Diversity and Inclusion, Integrity, Accountability, Innovation and Team Work"

The Objective

"To initiate and promote innovations in Agricultural Training"


Princpal Office:   +256 414 667347    /  +256 414 667348

Registrar Office:   +256 700 171819